6 Ways to Prevent Tractor and Equipment Theft

31 Jul 2018

Tractor and equipment theft is a bigger problem than most people realize. Or that most dealers would care to admit. The equipment is expensive. Plus, it doesn’t present many challenges to being stolen in its own right. That means owners must take extra steps to protect their investments and prevent the theft of their tractors and other equipment. These are some steps you can take.

  1. Disconnect the battery. It’s a small thing that might take only a second or two to troubleshoot and solve, but because it isn’t something everyone is doing, it might be the difference in thieves moving on in hopes of finding an easier target.
  2. Install a battery disconnect that requires a key. Even more effective is to install a battery disconnect that requires a key to unlock. Most thieves are looking for targets that are fast to load and abscond with. This delay adds time to their efforts they aren’t looking for.
  3. Place a chain on the steering wheel or tire spokes. This serves as a physical deterrent as well as a physical one. When thieves see the chains they know it will not be an easy mark and may elect to move on to a different tractor or piece of equipment. For most thieves, the goal is an easy target. The more you can do to make your tractors and equipment look like a hassle the less likely you’ll be the target of their attention.
  4. Install a fuel line shut off. While this isn’t a visual deterrent for thieves, it is something they aren’t likely prepared for. Most thieves are prepared for things like fuses being removed and bring their own keys along for the ride. Fuel line shutoffs aren’t immediately visible but cause substantial delays in starting the equipment to drive it off that may encourage them to choose another mark.
  5. Install GPS tracking. GPS tracking for equipment, tractors, mowers, etc. may not prevent the theft from occurring. It does, however, greatly increase the odds that your equipment will be recovered intact. This is especially the case if you install real-time GPS tracking.
  6. Buy adequate insurance. Finally, regardless of all the precautions in the world, you cannot always prevent a determined thief or vandal. Your final action to protect your investment in tractors and other equipment is to purchase the appropriate insurance coverage to protect your asset.

You put a lot of blood, sweat, and perhaps a few tears into securing the right equipment to tackle your tough jobs. Protect that investment with the six steps above.

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