8 Summer Driving Hazards to Be Extra Alert About

7 Aug 2018

Summertime means travel for many families. Kids are out of school. The weather is nice. And it’s time to hit the roads. Whether you’re on the road for business or pleasure – or you have kids on the road for summertime fun or on their way to college, it’s important to be on the lookout for the following driving hazards summer offers, like the below:

  1. More highway traffic from vacationers.  The roads are crowded with summertime vacationers. Either on their way or you live and work in a hotspot vacation destination. Either way, traffic is heavier in the summertime with people traveling to happy destinations. Many of whom are distracted with plans for their arrivals, consulting maps, and distracted in a world of other ways. Consider GPS tracking with turn by turn directions to avoid spending time reading maps while you’re on vacation.
  2. Increased road construction. Summertime is synonymous with road construction in many parts of the country. The warm, often dry, weather is ideal for road construction that can’t take place during rainy and cold seasons of the year. That means road workers, one lane traffic, and frustrated drivers. If you manage a fleet of vehicles, consider GPS fleet tracking for your fleet traffic and choose routes that avoid heavy traffic delays caused by road constructions.
  3. More tire blowouts. The heat of summer causes the air in your tires to expand, which can result in blowouts on worn tires. This is especially the case on the hottest days of summer. Check your tires often to avoid to avoid summer driveway hazard. When driving on highways, be aware of the potential of tire blowouts on other vehicles, particularly from large trucks.
  4. Heightened distracted pedestrians. Pedestrians enjoy the warmer weather for getting out, seeing sights, and taking in charming downtown areas. They are increasingly distracted by phone conversations, text messages, and selfie opportunities placing the onus on you to be extra mindful of their actions when you’re behind the wheel.
  5. More teens on the road. Teen drivers are not only easily distracted but can also be distracting to other drivers. They have less experience behind the wheel to draw from. When they aren’t spending their daytime hours in school, many of them are constantly on the road. Be mindful of this and extra mindful while on the go this summer.
  6. More dehydrated Drivers. Keep an extra bottle of water or two on hand while driving in the summer. This is essential on long road trips. Not only is water an excellent choice for remaining hydrated but can be instrumental if you run out of coolant while on the road until you can get to a service station and buy more.
  7. More bicyclists. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, two percent of motor vehicle fatalities are bicyclists. In 2013, there were 741 bicyclists killed in accidents involving motor vehicles. Bicycles make little, if any, noise, and are difficult to see, especially at dusk and in the night. Be especially mindful, during the warmer summer months when more cyclists are on the road at all hours.
  8. Increased motorcycle traffic. More motorcycles are on the road during warmer summer months too. This means greater risks for injuries and collisions, especially when they are riding in your blind spot. Some motorcycles have loud pipes as a safety feature, but many models feature quieter rides, so you need to listen and watch for motorcycles while driving in the warmer months.

Driving mindfully during the warmer summer months can help you avoid many of these summertime driving hazards, reducing accidents, and making the roads safer for everyone.

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