GPS Tracking for Commercial Fleets

9 Sep 2024

Fleet managers of commercial fleets have their work cut out for them. Because not only do you have to keep track of numerous vehicles, but drivers, their schedules, maintenance schedules, and a whole lot more.

The modern-day commercial fleet manager’s best friend are quality GPS tracking devices they can use for fleet tracking. Fleet tracking can transform your commercial fleet by reducing costs, and increasing accountability and driver behavior, all the while making your job as fleet manager that much easier. Read on to find out exactly how GPS tracking can benefit your commercial fleet.

Reduce Fuel Costs

 Fuel is one of the major costs of every commercial fleet. Unless you’re all-electric, it’s impossible to get around. There are three ways to reduce fuel costs that will benefit your commercial fleet in other ways as well:

  • Monitor driver behavior: With GPS tracking, you can monitor driver behavior 24/7 and identify any drivers that may be exceeding speed limits or driving recklessly. Not only does this driving behavior waste fuel, but it also endangers the drivers and others on the road while making the company look bad.
  • Optimize routes: GPS tracking allows you to find the best route to any destination. As road closures happen, traffic picks up, and/or weather conditions change your GPS tracking device can help dispatchers update the best route for drivers. Doing so reduces time on the road and thereby reduces fuel expenditures.
  • Prevent fuel theft: Fuel theft can be hard to identify and remedy, especially if employees are smart about how they do it. GPS tracking can give you additional data on miles driven and stops made to help you identify who, if any, of your drivers are stealing fuel.

Reduce Maintenance Costs

Reducing maintenance costs is actually another way to reduce fuel costs. When your vehicles are well-maintained, they’re more fuel-efficient. However, maintenance is another major cost for all commercial fleets.

Scheduled maintenance like checkups, oil changes, and tire rotations can be easy to forget about when you’re dealing with a large fleet. However, with GPS tracking, you can receive alerts when a specific vehicle is due for a checkup based on miles driven or the number of days since its last checkup. This feature can significantly reduce the burden on fleet managers while ensuring no vehicle misses maintenance due to human error.

Keep Track of Driver Schedules

GPS tracking systems allow you to better manage drivers, their schedules, and their deliveries. See where and when drivers clocked in and analyze all of the data available to you to better plan driver schedules in the future.

Looking to add GPS tracking to for your commercial fleet? Give us a call here at Live View GPS at 1-888-544-0494 if you have any questions.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.