GPS Tracking Being Used on Golden Eagles
30 May 2017One of the fastest, nimblest and largest raptors found in North America, the Golden Eagle is breathtaking to see in action. With its golden feathers crowning its head and neck and the sheer power in its talons and beak, the creature is one that has captured the imagination of many.
A team of researchers from West Virginia University and the U.S. Forest Service recently set a human trap in order to fit a GPS tracker transmitter to an eagle north of Rome. It’s hoped that this will enable the team to learn more about the birds.
This GPS tracking experiment shows a real step forward in terms of tracking golden eagles. Previously to this, a roadkill deer would be placed on a ridge next to a trail cam and images of the majestic creatures would be caught as they swooped down to eat. The fourth year of this current study, and the third one at this one specific site north of Rome, this is the first time the study has gone beyond capturing images.
The team began taking bait to the site in December 2016. Soon, they realized that their camera was recording one specific eagle on a daily basis, sometimes as many as two or three times per day. To ascertain whether the visitor was definitely one specific eagle or several eagles, the team employed facial recognition technology. This supported their theory that there was only one bird visiting the site.
The eagle was then caught, weighed and was fitted with the transmitter without delay. Weighing in at ten pounds, the raptor is the only bird that has been spotted at the site this year. Whereas last year, according to the team, there were at least two eagles, perhaps more.
One of the major aims of the study is to determine the migratory habits of the eagle. All going according to plan, the transmitter will track the movements of the bird and send back data to the research team for as many as three years. So long as the creature remains within range, the data is transmitted.
In the event of the bird flying out of range, the GPS tracking device stores the data, downloading it as soon as the eagle is back in range.
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