GPS Tracking Helps Couple Locate $30,000 Wedding Ring in Landfill
13 Sep 2018
Pretty much everyone has accidentally thrown something important in the trash at some point in their lives. But one couple from San Diego were distraught when they realized they had accidentally thrown away a wedding ring valued at $30,000.
The couple had been doing some spring cleaning when they realized the valuable ring must have fallen into their trash. When they went to check their garbage can, they discovered their trash had already been hauled away and the truck was traveling just down the road. The helpless couple watched the garbage man drive away with the ring in tow.
In response, the couple called the City of San Diego in a panic. The Environmental Services Department assisted the couple in tracking down their garbage bags on the day they believed she lost her ring.
Workers utilized the garbage truck’s GPS tracking device to determine where exactly it was. Unfortunately, employees had to inform the couple that the neighborhood trash had already been dumped at the Miramar Landfill.
The determined couple decided to personally visit the Miramar Landfill site and search for the ring. They thanked the Environmental Service Department for their agency’s implementation of GPS tracking for waste management which helped them promptly track down their garbage.
Within hours, their trash bags would have quickly been lost under piles of other garbage. Thankfully, their bags were perfectly placed on the top of the trash heap, so they were able to find the ring within four minutes of digging.
The couple and employees assisting with the search were all relieved that the ring was able to be recovered promptly. Jose Ysea, a city spokesman, commented on the event explaining that searching for that ring in the landfill was akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.
Employees are usually stuck searching through the muck for hours on end for lost goods, but thanks to the GPS tracking for garbage trucks, everyone was able to descend on the landfill immediately after the couple’s trash was dropped off.
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