July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

29 Jul 2024

About 92% of American households have at least one car, so it’s safe to say that the vast
majority of us rely on cars for our daily life. You may need a car to get to work, the gym, the
grocery store, to visit friends and family, and/or to go on vacation.

July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month, so we thought we’d spend some time going
over vehicle theft statistics and give you some tips to help you prevent yourself from being

About Vehicle Theft

Vehicle theft is on the rise. In 2023, the number of vehicles stolen was up 25% from previous
years. Vehicle costs people more than 8 billion dollars each year, making it a multi-billion dollar
crime industry.

In 2023, a motor vehicle theft was committed every 31 seconds. Some thieves will gladly steal
your whole car, while others will merely break into a vehicle to steal valuables, your car radio,
wheel covers, transmissions, airbags, and more. They’ll basically steal anything of value that
they hope they can resell.

Furthermore, most vehicle thefts happen during the summer, which is why it’s so important to
start protecting your car immediately—you could be the next victim of vehicle theft.
Here are some tips to prevent vehicle theft.

Common Sense Practices

Although this may be second nature to some people, others may not be following common
sense practices to keep their vehicles safe. This includes:

● Always keep your car locked… whether you’re gone for one minute or a week.
● Never leave your keys in the car, always take them with you.
● Close all windows when you park.
● Never leave valuables inside your car. If you must, make sure they are out of sight. If a
thief can see valuables through the window, they’re more likely to break in.
● Park in well-lit areas when possible.
● Keep your car parked in a secure garage when possible.

Antitheft Systems

Antitheft systems deter and prevent thieves from stealing your vehicle. Examples of these
systems include:

● Horn alarms call attention to the car and may scare off thieves or alert you that your car
is being stolen.

● Visible devices like etchings or theft-deterrent decals call attention to anti-theft measures
and can help deter thieves.

● Immobilizing devices like steering wheel locks or other devices that prevent hot wiring
are great ways to prevent theft once a perpetrator enters your vehicle.
Vehicle Recovery

While using antitheft systems and taking common-sense steps to secure your vehicle can go a
long way, sometimes thieves still manage to get off with your car. When this happens, your best
hope is a quality and covert GPS tracking device.

With the right GPS tracking device, you can monitor the location of your vehicle after it’s stolen
and turn this over to the authorities for quick vehicle recovery.

Plus, with additional features like geofencing, you can receive an alert whenever your vehicle is
being moved to an unauthorized area.

Here at LiveViewGPS, we have a plethora of auto theft recovery GPS tracking options. Please
give us a call at 1-888-544-0494 and we can help you determine the best vehicle GPS tracking
product to fulfill your needs.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.