National Safety Council Offers Tips for Safer Summer Holiday Driving
4 Jul 2018There are three major holiday events that take place in the United States each summer:
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
According to AAA, more than 41.5 million people were expected to travel for Memorial Day weekend in 2018 alone. Of those, nearly 36.6 million were expected to travel by car. That’s a lot of drivers on the road for a long holiday weekend.
This is just one of the three major summer holidays, which is why the National Safety Council (NSC), an organization devoted to eliminating preventable deaths in the U.S., is urging drivers to use extra caution when driving.
NSC reports that Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day, usually claims over 110 individual lives each day.
What Can Drivers Do to Prevent Accidents?
With most things in life, prevention is the best cure. When it comes to traffic-related fatalities, preventing accidents is your best course of action. The following things will help you have a happier and safer holiday weekend whenever you travel this summer.
- Drive defensively. Buckle your seatbelts (and make sure all passengers do so as well). Avoid driving while intoxicated, distracted, or fatigued. Pay attention to what’s happening on the road.
- Take advantage of your car’s safety features. Learn what they are and how to use them to improve your safety while driving.
- Install a GPS tracking system in your vehicle. Not only can it provide you with turn by turn directions helping you arrive safely at your destination, but GPS tracking for cars can also provide exact location information if accidents or breakdowns occur and you need to call for assistance.
- Heed safety recalls right away. Get your vehicle repaired promptly when they are issued. You can review Check to Protect to determine if your vehicle has been involved in a recall.
When you take steps to make your driving experience safer, you’re making everyone’s driving experience safer by preventing unnecessary accidents.
Why the Push for Improved Holiday Driving Safety in Summer?
According to the National Safety Council, these three holidays account for the highest number of traffic fatalities each year with each one accounting for approximately 110 lives each day during the three-day holiday.
Following these critical safety strategies won’t eliminate all accidents on these busy summer holiday weekends, but it can help prevent many of them.
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