GPS Tracking for Foldable Bikes
6 Aug 2018Folding bikes are awesome for people who live and/or work in a large city. They are convenient for getting around in the heaviest of traffic situations and compact enough to store in closets or offices. You can even take them on buses, trains, and subways in some cities.
Few things beat zooming by a convoy of cars going slower than you on the way into work in the morning or leaving the office in the evening. GPS tracking is a tool that can help you protect your foldable bike and get more enjoyment out of your bike as well.
These are just a few reasons to consider GPS tracking for your foldable bike.
Gas prices seem to be going through a period of high volatility in summer 2018 with prices dipping and rising. Some edging closer to the brink of heart palpitations for businesses operating large or small fleets. While there is nothing you can do about the constant fluctuations in gas prices, there are things you can do to control fuel costs within your fleet – even when gasoline and diesel prices are on the rise.
Check Tire Inflation
In fact, this needs to be something you’re vigilant about to prevent possible blowouts and other tire mishaps on the road. It’s especially essential during the months of May through October, commonly referred to as blowout season. But it’s a good habit to have any time of the year. Too much or too little inflation in tires can be bad. Not only for safety but it can also have your trucks expending more fuel to go the distance.
Install GPS Fleet Tracking
Few tools offer the extensive fleet management benefits that GPS tracking delivers for your fleet. Not only can GPS tracking for fleets be instrumental for route optimization to conserve fuel, but it can help in the following ways as well:
- Monitor aggressive driving behaviors like speeding, hard braking, etc. (and report to you when they occur).
- Discourage drivers from going off their assigned paths.
- Monitor excessive idling (a huge waste of fuel and resources).
- Improve and automate maintenance scheduling.
GPS tracking is an amazing option for helping you cut fuel costs and may help you save elsewhere, like fleet auto insurance, too.
Use Apps to Find Cheap Fuel
Fuel prices fluctuate from day to day. They also fluctuate from location to location – especially when crossing state lines. Using apps to find lower fuel prices can shave a great deal of money from cross-country routes or even within the same zip code by identifying the cheapest prices on gasoline or diesel in the area.
Popular apps to consider include the following:
The larger your fleet, the more money you can save by adopting these best practices for fueling.
Gas prices will always fluctuate. Lately, they seem to be trending higher and higher. But, creating policies and practices that focus on conserving fuel will benefit your company today and in the future. No matter what happens with the prices of fueling your fleet.
To learn more about how GPS fleet tracking can help reduce fleet fuel costs, contact us here at LiveViewGPS at 1-888-544-0494.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety research shows new and inexperienced 16 to 17-year-old teen drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident than adults. When compared to the remainder of the year, the average number of fatal crashes involving teen drivers increases 15 percent from Memorial Day through Labor Day — the “100 Deadliest Days”. Over 1600 people died in teen driver-related crashes over the past five years during this deadly period.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s FARS data, the AAA Foundation analyzed, two primary factors affecting crashes include nighttime driving and speed. During the 100 Deadliest Days, for instance, one in 10 of all car nighttime crash deaths involved a teen driver., reports Automotive Fleet.
Speeding is another concern associated with new teen drivers and the increase in deadly crashes. Around 10 percent of all speed-related motor vehicle deaths involved a teen driver, the AAA Foundation’s analysis shows. Also, in cases where a deadly crash occurred with a teen behind the wheel, 29 percent of these cases were speed-related.
Distraction is another huge factor and contributes to almost six out of 10 teenage driver-related crashes. Using a smartphone and talking with other passengers were the top distractions for teen drivers.
Sixty percent of teenage drivers killed in a motor vehicle crash were not buckled up. Teens who use their seat belts significantly decrease their risk of being seriously injured or dying in a crash.
The reason why the summer months see an increase in teen crashes is because teenagers are out of school and behind the wheel, statistics show. AAA urges parents to help decrease this shocking trend of teen driver-related deadly crashes by becoming more involved and talking with their teenagers about the risks of dangerous driving behavior.
What Parents Can Do About Teen Driver Safety
Parents can begin by educating their teen drivers about how to be safe on the road and by practicing good driving behavior themselves like buckling up and staying off the phone.
GPS tracking for teens is also a helpful way of contributing to this safety since it alerts parents to risky driving behaviors like harsh braking, speeding, and aggressive driving. Parents can also set up boundary alerts to help ensure their teen doesn’t venture off into areas they’re unfamiliar with, which could increase their chances of having an accident.
Some example GPS vehicle tracking devices for parents with teen drivers, include:
- Flash Trac OBD – “Plug & Play”, Real-time updates – On Sale $179, $14.95 month no contract service.
- Live Trac EZ – “Plug & Play”, Live Tracker – On Sale $169.00, $29.95 month no contract service.
- Live Trac G5 – Hardwired, Live Tracking. $29.95 month no-contract service.
- Flash Trac HW – Hardwired, Real-time Tracking, $14.95 month no-contract service.
Set down some rules before you allow your teen to get behind the wheel. While your teen may think your rules are harsh or unnecessary, they will help keep them safe.
If you’re a parent of a soon-to-be or newly-minted teen driver and like to learn more GPS teen tracking, call us here at LiveViewGPS at 1-888-544-0494.