GPS tracking for law enforcement offers many benefits. These are just a few benefits your department can expect to experience with GPS tracking.

  1. Surveillance

With the appropriate warrants, officers may attach a GPS tracker to suspect vehicles to assist in efforts to surveil the vehicle. This allows them to safely track the vehicle’s location when driving in traffic without forcing them to follow so closely, potentially giving themselves away.

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Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are among cruelest diseases out there as they slowly erase everything familiar making it difficult for patients to adapt to new environments and situations. This leads to disoriented wanderings and is a huge concern for family members and caregivers alike. New technology is offering promise for helping ease the fears of loved ones while providing patients with greater autonomy and freedom of movement.

GPS Tracking Eases Wandering Woes

If you have a parent, partner, or loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia one of your greatest fears, aside from the fear of becoming a stranger to the person you’ve loved so long, is the fear or your loved one becoming bewildered and lost while wandering alone.

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Spring has sprung and it’s time to shake off those final cobwebs of winter to get your fleet road ready for the warm and sunny days ahead. These are a few of the steps you need to take to ensure your fleet is ready for action this spring.

Do a Little Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn’t for homes alone. It’s important to thoroughly clean your vehicles, inside and out. Doing this helps to remove salt that may be lingering from winter roads to prevent rust and other damage. It also helps to preserve the form and functionality of the vehicle’s interior, improving the smell inside vehicles and giving you an opportunity to look for signs of wear or components that may require replacements.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.