Starting a trucking company requires you to wear many hats and put out a lot of fires in the beginning. The bigger the company you’re trying to start, the greater the demand for your resources becomes. While there are many things you will need to get your trucking company up, running, and off-the-ground, these are five essentials your business cannot thrive without.

  1. Trucks

This might seem like a no-brainer. But, depending on the type of trucking company you want to start, you may have unique and specific needs for your trucks. It’s a good idea to have a solid idea of the type of trucking company you plan to create as well as the goods you plan to haul in your trucks, before you begin making big purchases for your trucking company.

  1. GPS Fleet Tracking

GPS tracking for startup trucking companies is one fundamental you can’t afford to go without. You have competitors in your industry who are likely to have this highly useful tool already. Without GPS tracking for startup carriers, you’ll be operating at an extreme disadvantage and may not be able to get a leg up on your competition as a result.

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Winnebagos have become synonymous with the term “RV” and is often used interchangeably to describe RVs, motorhomes, and travel trailers of all brands and varieties. Founded in 1958, and getting off to a rocky start, the company has endured becoming one of the best-known brands in the industry.

Winnebago products have been in a variety of movies and are pop culture icons. GPS trackers for Winnebagos can help you get more use and have more fun with your Winnebago in all the ways listed below, and more.

Plan Routes for Economy and Fun

Traveling the country in a Winnebago is the dream of many families. When the time comes, it can be difficult to prioritize routes, locations to visit, and sights to see while sticking to a budget for things like fuel along the way.

GPS tracking can be used to help you plan your routes with fun and economy in mind allowing you to save enough on fuel to add a few new attractions and adventures to your travels.

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The Supply Chain Intelligence Center of SensiGuard recently released its annual report of cargo thefts in the United States. Data collected by the group shows a 15 percent decrease in the number of cargo thefts in 2017 as compared to 2016.

The report found that cargo thefts in 2017 occurred in over 35 states, but three specific states were hot spots for this type of crime. California, Texas and New Jersey combined accounted for around 55 percent of the total recorded cargo thefts. The state with the highest number of thefts, California, did experience a 13 percent drop compared to 2016. Weekends are also the most popular days for committing cargo thefts.

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About Live View GPS

We specialize in real time GPS tracking systems. GPS tracking, GPS monitoring and management for vehicles, assets, equipment, property and persons. Whether your needs are consumer or commercial based, personal or business related we have a cost effective GPS tracking solution for you. Locate in real-time and on demand vehicles, people and property from any web based computer. View these locations on our systems integrated maps. Our GPS devices are the real deal, they are tested and proven, they work.