The global chip shortage is set to continue into 2022, most likely through at least mid-year 2022. As a result, the microchip shortage is causing delays in the production of vehicles — and is hurting truck fleets.
Fleets that are experiencing tough times due to rising costs of vehicles and the inaccessibility of them need to take great care of the vehicles they do have in their fleet and look to improve them to the best of their ability. One effective way to do this is to use GPS tracking.
How GPS Tracking Can Help
With GPS tracking vehicles all vehicles can be monitored to ensure they are having routine checkups and maintenance. Plus, vehicles with higher mileage can be monitored and used in different business functions that require less driving.
Carjackings have become a more ubiquitous problem in recent years.From Philadelphia and Chicago to Washington DC to Minneapolis, in cities all over the country, carjackings are becoming more common. While closing your car windows and locking your doors is an obvious solution, it’s often not enough to stop someone from breaking into your car and driving away with it in a vehicular hijacking.
So, what can you do to prevent your car from being stolen? The most practical solution is getting a GPS tracker for your vehicle.
GPS Tracking as a Carjacking Defense
CDC on 8 Danger Zones for Teen Drivers
14 Jan 2022Getting your teen on the road is always a frightening prospect. Whether your new or up-and-coming driver is a rule follower or rebellious teen, a lack of experience on the road is the biggest reason for car accidents involving new drivers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2019, about seven teens aged 13–19 died every day in motor vehicle crashes.
The CDC has highlighted the 8 danger zones for teen drivers, which we list below. You can discuss them with your teen and make sure that they are driving safely.