icon Live Trac EZ Vehicle Tracking
SALE PRICE: $169.00 w/FREE Shipping
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Y-Cable, Covert Install:

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Live Trac EZ - Real-time GPS Tracking

$29.95/month, No Contracts.

  • Use in passenger vehicles or light-duty trucks built after 1996.
  • Internal Battery Backup - Alerts On Disconnect
  • Application: Business Vehicle Tracking / Personal
  • Platform: Live Trac - Updates at 5, 10-second intervals.
  • Network: AT&T 4G LTE (B2/B4/B12)

It's Called The Live Trac EZ For A Reason!

The EZ GPS tracker installs in seconds. Ultra-fast location updates with 10-second Real-time GPS tracking.

What Is An OBD-II Port?

The On-Board Diagnostic Port, better known as the OBD-II port, is found on most passenger cars and trucks built after 1996. The port was designed to help technicians diagnose and troubleshoot vehicle problems. The OBD-II port is typically located somewhere on the driver's side of the vehicle under the dash.

Real-time GPS tracking device Live Trac EZ - OBD-II port GPS tracker for vehicle monitoring

Plug-In & Track

It's as easy as that. Once you find the OBD-II port - simply plug the EZ in and you're done.

  • For Business or Personal Use
  • Internet-Based Vehicle Tracking From Your Desktop!
  • Track From ANY Mobile Device with a Web Browser using our Real-Time GPS tracking system
  • Or, even from optional iPhone and Android Dedicated Apps
  • Internal Battery - Alerts On Disconnect
  • 4G LTE Enabled on the AT&T Network
  • Optional Y-cable available for Covert Installation

View Live Trac System Demo

Questions? Call Us: (888) 544-0494


CNET review of Live Trac EZ GPS Tracker


Another Online Review of The Live Trac EZ:

Live Trac GPS Tracking Platform access from any computer or mobile device

Customer Product Reviews:

August 10, 2017 by Sherry W.
Great product and excellent customer service!!
September 11, 2016 by Mike S.
So far everything is working great!
June 4, 2016 by John M.
While the unit worked the moment I plugged it in (after going through the activation process), it progressively seemed to work less and less well the first week (jumping, failing to update, etc.). After 2 chat sessions with support (where the unit was "reset" remotely), 2 phone calls with support and some on-site troubleshooting on my part suggested by support, LiveView determined that there was an updating issue which they were able to fix remotely (took about a day to work through it all). Since that firmware update, the unit has been working well (a little over a week now). Seems there might be some dead spots with the AT&T network around our area, but since the firmware update, the unit might go "dark" for several 10 second updates, but it comes back once out of the AT&T dead zone. If it continues to work like this, I will be very satisfied. The web interface is fine, but does take some getting used to. The text/email alerts work well so far and are just want I needed (as are the reports that can be run on request or scheduled). When away from the office, I have been using just the mobile website with smartphone (i.e., not the app), which is far less informative than the desktop version with little functionality that I have found - but it does give you the current location of the vehicle and updates timely (and if you set up the alerts, you will get the text/email so you know what's going on).
February 23, 2016 by Robert S.
Great product for your money.... 30 days so far of complete accurate pin point tracking FOR THE AREA I LIVE IN.... Not sure about the other areas but so far this has been an absolute GREAT product.... I am very disappointed that I didn't but this product last year....
December 1, 2015 by Micheal H.
Works better than I expected. A fantastic device and service! Thank you! Mike
September 9, 2015 by Cynthia M.
Awesome product and a great piece of mind! Many thanks for your help keeping up with our elderly parents .
June 11, 2015 by Harold H.
Very good with tracking.
June 6, 2015 by Matt B.
Product does basically what I want it to do. I use it to track my kids when they take the car. I have geo fence, on/off, and speed alerts set. This has really aided me as a parent and I think it is great. The bad however is the format of the text messages. I would like them to be simpler and in the right time-zone. thanks, MAtt
June 4, 2015 by Terry B.
Great product. First one was a bust but you folks did quick turn around and we've had no issues since.
June 2, 2015 by Timothy A.
I use technology ,a lot of technology . My 80-year-old father still drives and without the ability to keep track of him while receiving timely notifications that we do from LiveView our life would be much harder . This service has been one of the best assets that we have acquired in a very long time . You will never know how much you need the service until you been without it in dealing with eldercare or possibly teenagers driving .
June 17, 2012 by Calvert Mowing & Landscaping
I love EZ Trac. It is perfect my Landscaping business. I can't imagine not having it. It pays for itself with the productivity increase.
April 18, 2012 by Robert
Plugs right in and works well. Great tracking and report options via the website. Big thumbs up.
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