All customers receive a unique user
id/password and a secure link to our tracking platform. The website is
available 24/7 from any computer with internet access, and requires no
software downloads. The Live Trac platform allows for LIVE access to G5
device(s) location and performance information.
Whether you are using the PT-10 for for professional or personal use,
this is the easiest most advanced GPS tracker and system you will ever
View Live Trac System Demo
Location/Historical Playback Feature
10 second updates standard
View one, all or groups of vehicles on Google Satellite Map
Historical Route Playback
90 day standard data retention, 12 months available on request
Never Miss A Location/Stop or Event
View all locations where PT has travelled know length of stops
Map Features
Satellite View/Map View/Hybrid View/Street View
Live NOAA Weather Overlay
Pinpoint Accurate PT-10 Locations
See exactly where PT has stopped with Google Street View
Device Management
View and Edit Devices By Groups/Regions
Driver Editor - Assign Drivers to Vehicles
Organizing and grouping vehicles is a breeze
Alert Notification
Low Battery Alert
SMS & Email Alerts to one or multiple recipients
Geo Fence Alert - Poly-Fence/Radius. Vehicles enters and/or exits a specific area
Power Alerts
Route Deviation Alert
Speed Alerts - Vehicle exceeds a specified speed threshold
Historical Playback Feature
90 day playback history, up to 1 year available on request.
Since data is collected every 10 seconds, you get a true picture of the vehicle's activity and can play it back at anytime.
Embed Map Public View Feature
Need many people to view your location? We can enable our public view feature, which allows you to view your devices without username/password requirements.
Easily share the location of your vehicles publicly. Used by companies running shuttles, food trucks, delivery vehicles, etc.
(Customization of the Embed Map system is also available. i.e. You want to show a publicly viewable map with your company vehicles and Logo displayed on the map.)
System Access Features
Any Web Enabled Computer
Any Internet Connected Smartphone
Optional Iphone Android Application available
iOS app uses Apple maps, while the Android app uses Google maps. The apps are provided
as a value add for our customers with features such as team surveillance, which allows each app user to show their location on the application map screen so that other team members can see their location.
API Access:
Robust GPS Tracking Rest API allows retrieval of all vehicle data programmatically.
Available Custom Programming:
Custom reporting is also available for a nominal fee which covers the cost of our programmers to create the report.
We can take your GPS data and create a report custom tailored to your needs.